CORONAVIRUS/Taiwan to downgrade classification of COVID-19, disband CECC (update) 

Taipei, April 25 (CNA) Taiwan will reclassify COVID-19 from a Category 5 communicable disease to the lower Category 4 on May 1 and disband the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) after it was set up nearly 1,200 days ago, Deputy Health Minister Victor Wang (王必勝) said Tuesday.


Press Release from FOCUS TAIWAN 

Latvia parliament group backs Taiwan's participation in WHO 

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The Latvian Saeima's Latvia-Taiwan Parliamentary Friendship Group penned a letter on May 11 to World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus calling for Taiwan’s participation in the global health body.


Press Release from TAIWAN NEWS

FICHET Advancing Taiwan-US Higher Education Ties at NAFSA 2023 

The Foundation for International Cooperation in Higher Education of Taiwan (FICHET) is sending a delegation led by Mon-Chi Lio, Political Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Education, to attend the NAFSA 2023 Annual Conference Expo. Taking place in Washington, D.C. from May 30 to June 2, this is a major event for fostering international dialogue on education, and FICHET is participating to advance Taiwan-US collaboration in higher education and to promote Taiwanese universities and colleges.


Press Release from  Foundation for International Cooperation in Higher Education of Taiwan 

Vietnamese students studying in Taiwan surpasses 20,000 

The number of Vietnamese students studying in Taiwan surpasses 20,000 for the first time. Vietnam remains the country that has the highest number of overseas students coming to study in Taiwan.


Press Release from Radio Taiwan Internatinal

Renewal of MOU with Rashtriya Raksha University in India 

Raksha Shakti University, which has been declared an “institution of national importance”, was established in 2020 when the Indian parliament passed the Rashtriya Raksha University Act, upgrading the former state level Raksha Shakti University into a pioneering national security and police university. It is mandated to build national capacity by enhancing the skills of personnel who work in institutions related to India's national security and national defense. The meaning of the Hindi term “Rashtriya Raksha” is broader than “national defense”: it covers traditional military defense, and also includes both external and internal security, in the modern sense.


Press Release from Ministry of Education

Taichung historic site to transform into National Comics Museum 

The site of the former Taichung Prison has been designated as the future National Comics Museum, Vice Premier Cheng Wen-tsan (鄭文燦) announced on April 1. In response, Culture Minister Shih Che revealed that the Ministry is working to expedite preparatory works, and the museum will start holding exhibitions by the end of this year. Besides Vice Premier Cheng and Minister Shih, Legislative Yuan Vice President Tsai Chi-chang (蔡其昌), Mayor of Taichung City Lu Shiow-Yen (盧秀燕), and legislators of Taichung were present at the site inspection.


Press Release from  Ministry of Culture 

Megaport Festival hits high note with music fans around the world  

The Megaport Festival (大港開唱) returned to the stages of the Kaohsiung Music Center and The Pier-2 Art Center on April 1 and 2, drawing in music enthusiasts to revel in the celebration that featured Taiwanese bands Flesh Juicer (血肉果汁機), The Shine&Shine&ShineShine (閃閃閃閃), and TRASH; as well as international musicians such as Korean band Balming Tiger, Japanese bands ALI, Bradio, STUTS, and Crystal Lake, marking the resumption of international music exchanges after the pandemic.


Press Release from  Ministry of Culture


2023 Interview with our staying in Taiwan Overseas Alumni-Nguyễn Thu Hằn

Taiwanese-Vietnamese YouTuber Nguyễn Thu Hằn brings the Beauty of Vietnam to the Hearts of Taiwanese from Her Videos

2023 Interview with our staying in Taiwan Overseas Alumni-Ma, Kuo-Chang

Filipino Ma, Kuo-Chang was a overseas student turned to be a university lecturer, he devoted his effort in academic exchange between Taiwan and Philippines. 

2023 Interview with our staying in Taiwan Overseas Alumni-Ng, Yue Ci
“I am truly grateful that I can stay in Taiwan to work; all of my supervisors and colleagues are great to me and I have no difficulties in adaptations”, said Ng, Yue Ci as an overseas student from Malaysia. After graduated from Tzu Chi University in 2019, Eunice has been working for 4 years in Taiwan. She said,” When I decided to study in Taiwan, I thought 4 years would be long. I can’t believe it’s already another 4 years working here after I graduated, but I do want to stay in Taiwan working hard in the future.”
How to pick up NT$6,000 Taiwan tax rebate at post offices

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Many post offices across Taiwan saw long lines on Monday (April 17) as the NT$6,000 (US$196) became available at post offices that day.


Press Release from Taiwan News


Antolin Jesila Jesu Amalraj, National Taipei University of Technology, Republic of India

《Adoring universe》
Photographs can freeze the moments to give a visual treat by evoking memories

Benadict Joseph Xavier ,National Taipei University of Technology, Republic of India

《Colorful creatures in nature》
Just living is not enough… One must have Nature and Love!!

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